
Time to eat

The importance of nutrition is often overlooked. The food choices we make affect us in equal measure both mentally and physically.

As a nutritional practitioner who continues to follow research, we have done the hard work and  developed a proven eating plan that is simple to work with.  By following the plan Christine (pictured before and after below) lost two and a half stone.

Knowing what to eat and how much to eat can mean the difference between happy success and frustration at lack of progress. In our eating plan each meal is calculated for your exact calories and optimal macros. Enjoy your food knowing it is helping you to achieve your goals.

Individualised calories and macros

Developing and maintaining consistency


Our eating plans are individualised according to your calories and macro requirements, i.e. fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Foods generally include all three categories, so for the best results, eating a balanced diet will provide optimal results and sustainability.


Our plan is designed for you based on your height, weight, daily activity levels, lifestyle and whether you are looking to burn fat, increase muscle mass or just get healthy. 

The greatest challenge to a healthy and sustainable diet is developing and maintaining consistency. This is more difficult to achieve if you hate the food you are eating or if you are not eating enough. It is at that moment when you open yourself up to cravings and any good work is undone. 


Our plan has been designed to provide you with conventional, everyday meal options, whilst optimising, prioritising and encouraging you to eat whole foods (fish, poultry, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables) to achieve a long term healthy lifestyle.  

Microbiomes are healthy gut bacteria and developing research is showing them to have significant importance on both weight regulation and on mental wellbeing. We cannot live or function properly without microbiomes. The more microbiomes you have, the better it is for your body and wellbeing. 



Our plan has been designed to provide you with a regular and varied amount of unprocessed foods, which will help to increase microbiomes, without compromising on food enjoyment.

Mental Wellbeing, Self-Esteem and Confidence

Everyone wants to feel good throughout the day. It is possible that your diet is negatively impacting your mood or concentration levels. We are essentially made up of chemicals within our bodies and food plays a big part in controlling them. Eat rubbish and you will feel rubbish!



Nutritional research has now proved some rules to use to increase energy levels, optimise mental performance and put you in a good mood. You should see your body as a chemistry set, everytime you eat you are setting off a chemical reaction. To achieve the correct chemical balance for a healthy body you need to eat the right way. 


Your change in diet wont transform you overnight. However, as your blood sugars become more stable you will be much less likely to react badly to the stresses of everyday life. 

How the plan works

Our healthy eating plan is designed to help you make long term changes to your eating habits, not short term fixes. It is based around:

Christine Before

Christine After